Nurture Rehab

Behavioral Therapy

A positive step for a positive change

In the busy world, everyone is feeling a lot of changes in their life and struggling a lot. The changes will affect the kids also. The change in their behavior determines their future. Behavioral therapy is a treatment for mental stress and it is a proven therapy that focuses on identifying and changing the unhealthy thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that contribute to emotional distress in our daily life.

Types of Behavioral Challenges

Behavioral therapies can be applied to a wide range of psychological symptoms among adolescents and children to shape good behavior.


It is the situation that deals with a lack of interest or pleasure in enjoyable activities. Guilty feelings & hopelessness

Personality disorder

It is an unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning, and behaving without the care of the prevailing situation which causes issues


It is the situation of feeling a sense of impending danger, thinking about something else other than the present scenario


It is a situation of excessive fear of an object or situation which will continue for at least 6 months with a rapid onset of fear.

What do we offer?

Applied Behavioral Therapy

It is mostly used to treat autism spectrum disorders and it includes treatment to improve language skills, social skills, and adaptive skills.

Behavior Modification

It includes therapies to modify behavior patterns through diverse strategies and techniques to control unhealthy behavior and implement new skills for better behavior.

Behavioral classroom management

It is an evidence-based therapy to enhance student’s behavior in the classroom with a positive attitude. The therapy includes the teachers and the therapists. It is an effective therapy for attention deficit hyperactive disorder.

Behavioral peer interventions

Peer involvement will be more in the adolescent age. Peer influence will lead to both positive and negative behavior. This kind of therapy is involved in schools to prove the benefits in their academics, social, and interpersonal behavior.

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Why Nurture?

Nurture is a rehab center that focuses on child development problems. The center had experienced counselors. We are here to transform the lives of children into a different level. It is a combination therapy that will help them to figure out the issue and the overcoming techniques. Parents play a significant role in molding the child’s character. In this therapy, parents will get a chance to observe the children’s behavior. It helps them to appreciate and also get to know about the need for rewards. It reduces behavioral problems like ADHD and so on. Numerous relaxing exercises and demonstrations are conducted for the children to overcome the difficulties. To minimize the condition of ADHD in our world, let’s join hands with Nurture. We care for your future.